
From Where I Sit Day 15 – Karma Bites

May 16, 2018

#Fromwhereisit I have a stunning outlook, literally and figuratively. I would have to say I’m not overly materialistic, in fact spending money on ‘stuff’ (especially if it’s unnecessary to my immediate needs) can be the root of great anxiety for me. Often leaving me buried in indecision with seeds of buyers remorse sprouting everywhere.

Don’t get me wrong, I like to look nice, live in a comfortable home and have my triathlon trinkets but I’m generally more happy investing my earnings in freedom and adventure.

I am a completey (mostly šŸ˜) normal flawed human, so I definitely have pangs of envy for material possessions until I remind myself about the life I am actually living and the envy factor others have of my possession, my time.

Today, I was able to spontaneously meet with a friend for coffee, go for a swim in the ocean and get some work done right on the beach, in my bikini, soaking up the sunshine that freedom afforded me.

I must admit, I felt a bit braggy-braggy posting about this on Instagram, but so be it. Or, perhaps not!

I was so embroiled in sharing my ahhh-mazing life (please note sarcasm) with the world, all “freedom and adventure beats stuff” and mimicking the idea of climbing a corporate ladder that the sneaky creature called karma reared her medusa-style head. Of course, karma is a goddess of many benefits. She can help you amass good fortune and dish out perceived justice. But, today I felt the sting of her bite.

When I returned to the reality of my work life that evening – meeting deadlines sitting in my home office at my computer – I was stumped to find that all my work from earlier at ‘the beach office’ had disappeared. The tide had turned and karma had discarded my words like my wet bikini, leaving me hanging out to dry! I couldn’t find, recover or even salvage the sentences I had meticulously built between being braggy-braggy about doing so!

Karma is an unpredictable beast. She doesn’t always show up immediately, or necessarily in reciprocal proportion, but she always has a lesson to teach.

I’m blaming karma because it seems I received fair retribution. I prefer humble qualities and should practise what I preach. Lesson learned.
