Manuscript Progress Report

Laws of eMotion

March 25, 2024

I am awarding a bright red balloon, filled with warm breathy kisses and dizzying sparkles to anyone who works full time and partakes in writing a manuscript, exercise and/ or general adulting. I even promise to tie it off securely, so it doesn’t fizz off gasping for air… like me at the moment!

Ok, ok, maybe I’ve been a bit too wrapped up in teaching physics this last few weeks to show Stella, aka my main character, the love she deserves. That’s my inflated, inertial, reactive excuse and I’m sticking to it!

However, love has been brewing for Stella this weekend. She has just met her love interest… He saves her from stepping into the path of a motorcar, while she is running late for her first day at her new job at the Sydney Morning Herald. 

Writing about ‘chemistry’ between characters is hard! Describing all those gushy, tingly feelings that gurgle within, threatening to explode seems more appropriately suited to the Laws of Physics. I think Sir Newton had a hidden agenda of describing love when he came up with the Laws of Motion. 

1st Law of eMotion 

Stella will continue to move in the same direction unless acted upon by the force of love! Enter Mr X – He literally saved her life and perhaps will change the direction she takes in her future…

Side note: He is denoted as Mr X at this stage because while I have a clear image of him in my mind, think:Dark, slicked back hair, slightly longer than the conservative 1920s gentleman style. An angular face with melted toffee eyes and a dimpled chin. He speaks with a silky tone, to match the caress of his warm soft hands. 

I have yet to land on a name that seems to suit his sexy, self-assuredness. So, suggestions please? 

Is he a Jack, an Arthur, a Walter or something more exotic???

2nd Law of eMotion

The Force of Love is equal to how massively it is applied and whether it accelerates those initial gushy feelings towards a whole new universe of emotion! 

Stella has dreamed of being a reporter her whole life. For her, love has never factored into that equation, especially if it meant giving up her ambition. But she has also never felt the sensations she had when meeting Mr X. Both Stella and I wonder –

Is love at first sight even a possibility? 

3rd Law of eMotion

Every action Stella takes will have an equal and opposite reaction. The problem – Stella is inexperienced in all things love. She is basically a love klutz. If she opens her heart to Mr X, will the Laws of Physics prove true? 

That is always the risk… unrequited love definitely happens in this story BUT will it be to Stella or from her? 

So, my trusty friends, after my crash course in Physics you have a pop quiz:

       a. What should we name Mr X?

       b. Do you think love at first sight is possible?

       c. Will Stella be the giver or receiver of unrequited love?


Progress Report

Word Count: 20804

Consistency: Deflated balloon

Mojo: I’ve found the helium tank!