
From Where I Sit Day 20 – Multi-tasking

May 20, 2018

#Fromwhereisit I’m doing what I always do – more than one thing at once. As I sit scoffing my lamb and almond salad I’m scouring the pages of The Rough Guide to Bali & Lombok, planning our next adventure in my regular multi-tasking fashion.

This is truly how I function. Very rarely do I just DO one thing at a time! In my mind I’m being efficient and productive. But sometimes I wonder whether I’m missing out on the pleasure and pondering of being more single minded.

Would my food taste better?

Would I absorb more information, if that was my sole purpose?

Would I possibly have enhanced effectiviveness and improved productivity by simply engaging in one task wholly?

I think multi-tasking is a modern day affliction…and I suffer big time!

Despite my affliction, I’m a bit behind on my writing challenge. Instead of feeling anxious about this (reminding myself it is a completely self imposed challenge), I am doing what works for me – exercise, family stuff, enjoying the sunshine, eating well and socialising. And, I’m resolving to avoid trying to proverbially kill more than one bird with this little stone soul of mine!

Maybe I’ll start on reducing the multi-tasking tomorrow…today I exercised, socialised and enjoyed the sunshine all at the same time – to no detriment!

I’m pretty sure I’ll catch up on my writing challenge soon enough as I will use it as an excuse to avoid packing for our travels…I hate packing. It is one of those chores I despise so much that if there was a service for someone to come and choose my holiday attire and pack for me, I would pay generously!!!

Are you a compulsive multi-tasker?
