Kelley Seaton The Everyday Epiphany
Inspiring Business Women

When Opportunity Knocks, Kelley Seaton of The Leasing Network is Sure to Answer the Door

June 18, 2019

I love buying and renovating properties. What I’m not so fond of is the ongoing rental and management of the properties. So, I’m a little fascinated to take a peek over the fence into the life of my friend, Kelley Seaton. Kelley owns and runs The Leasing Network – a business that deals solely in property rental management – with a fresh and innovative approach to her profession.

Now, who wouldn’t sit up and pay attention when they see vampy floral stilettos take the stage at the PPM Group National Property Managers Conference for a panel discussion on all-things ‘tech’ in property management?

Diving in to opportunities with flair

Surprisingly, Kelley says “I hate public speaking” as she noticeable cringes. “But it was on my list of 100 things to do before I die. So, when the opportunity came up, I literally needed to tick that off my page”. Despite her giggles at the situation, she admits to learning a lot in that first large-scale public speaking event. “I rehearsed and rehearsed and rehearsed…for months. But I think that was a mistake,” says Kelley.

She identifies the problem with rehearsing too much is that it makes you a whole lot more nervous and doesn’t allow your authentic self to show. “These days I’m much more relaxed. I still prepare, but I think it’s more important to show your audience that you love what you do. It certainly engages people more and you find that people are comfortable to ask more questions.”

Kelley Seaton dedicates herself to…

You know that pointless and awful question in interviews asking you your weaknesses? Well, I think Kelley has the perfect answer. She admits to “having the problem of always wanting to help people”. Whether she is public speaking, running her business or organizing Networking Small Businesses Central Coast events her aim is to make meaningful connections with, and between, others.

It’s easy to see the Central Coast local approaches her work and life with a state of mind that oozes ‘dedication to excellence’. “Good business is no longer about basic customer service. It’s above and beyond that. It’s about delivering service excellence and creating a memorable customer experience.” Kelley describes her extensive check list of over 60 items to ensure that both landlords and tenants feel “looked after”. Not only does this make the business side of things run smoothly, it makes both her landlords and tenants loyal, raving fans.

Answering the door of opportunity is about jumping in and ‘figuring it out’

At twenty-something Kelley had had enough of working for others and decided to ‘figure it out’ on her own. Her husband Doug – who seemingly has a crystal ball – had predicted they would do life together from the age of 16 and that her old boss would offer her a new opportunity. True to his predictions, Kelley underwent a ‘business apprenticeship’ of sorts, prior to taking the leap into her own business. “I was getting sick of our investors complaining about not finding good property managers” says Kelley, which was the final push she needed to start her own property management company.

Life balance is a fallacy, but life ‘tilting’ is definitely a thing

When questioned about why she started her own business, Kelley mixes emotions with practicality. “I feel it sounds selfish, I had big goals but I wanted flexibility. I wanted to go to the school carnival days and take ski holidays as I pleased. And I didn’t feel like I could be the mum I wanted to be working for someone else” explains Kelley.

That flexibility comes at a price, Kelley refers to as ‘tilting’. “Family is first for me. I work long and unusual hours to fit it all in” says Kelley, but she is quick to point out “I think guilt is a big thing. I don’t think there is a perfect work-life balance. If I can tilt towards family when they need me, or tilt towards work when it needs me then that’s the way to make it even out.”

Inspired by strength to battle on

It’s clear that Kelley is self-motivated. Modestly though, she credits her inspired work ethic to her family. The Leasing Network – the rebranded company name- came about from a brainstorming session with Kelley’s “ridiculously supportive” husband, Doug, as they sipped cocktails by the pool on a Gold Coast holiday. The kids understand that I run a business and they “get it”, she adds “sometimes you don’t have confidence in yourself, and the kids will always encourage me”. Support is one thing, strength is another. Kelley has learned a lot from the circle of close family and friends who have been through incredibly tough health battles, including her mum. “I’ve learned to not take anything for granted.”

Kelley Seaton and family The Everyday Epiphany

Every challenge is another opportunity to grow or learn for Kelley Seaton

Kelley faces challenges in business the same way she acts in real life – with drive and ambition to help people. There are plenty of ‘disruptors’ in the real estate sales and leasing industry and Kelley finds that it’s best “to work with it, not against it”. Again, highlighting her innate ability to identify opportunities.

When asked about competition Kelley is firm about her thoughts. “We are our own competition. We aim to over-deliver. To excite clients. We’re about quality.” She gives the example of preferring to manage 100 properties at a higher price and dedicating her efforts to providing excellence than managing 250 properties where her time and efforts are spread thin. The monetary outcome is the same, but the quality she delivers is much higher.

It keeps coming back to getting the best out of people

“Despite what my team thinks, I hate managing staff. It was one of the original reasons I was prompted to think of running my own business” says Kelley, adding “I’m really driven, and I find it difficult if people don’t put in the effort that’s expected”. Despite what she proclaims about managing staff, Kelley adheres to strict parameters for keeping her staff happy. “I think in your business it’s important to have different people for different jobs. I hire for personality, not necessarily skill set anymore.”

While some like numbers and others like words in their roles at work, we usually have to do the tasks we don’t enjoy. But, Kelley thinks a little differently. She advocates that people should be doing things they are good at and enjoy while at work. She takes this so seriously, that each team member has had their personality profiles mapped and overlayed onto an office chart, identifying strengths and suitability’s for various roles. “If we can’t each do what we love, we’re not going to have the passion and drive to deliver the best to our clients.”

When she says ‘clients’ Kelley is quick to point out that while her landlords are technically her clients, she treats her tenants with the same importance. It’s clear that Kelley believes that building relationships beyond simple service is a top priority.

Simple advice

Kelley’s best advice for entrepreneurs today is to “work smarter, not harder”. But, it’s clear that her propensity to “under-promise and over-deliver” is one of the traits that makes her successful with people – the core of many businesses.

Look out for The Leasing Network online and on Facebook and Instagram

Got questions of me or Kelley from The Leasing Network? Leave them in the comments and I’ll be sure to reply 😊 If you’re interested in being featured or having a feature article written about you or your business for your newsletter, blog or webpage let me know!