
From Where I Sit Day 10 – Bright Words

May 11, 2018

#fromwhereisit I watched to sky turn from a fruit bowl of peaches and pomegranate to lemons and tangerines. I complimented it’s allure to my friend, who was also devouring it’s succulent beauty. The sun was always going to rise, radiate it’s charm and shine like the star it is, whether I commended it’s presence or simply let it pass. Or was it?

Was the sun really rising to meet my eyes or was the Earth simply moving to allow the light to reach me? Your position in time truly alters your perspective. I too received a compliment this morning that made my feelings rise and moved my perspective. It was from a friend who often bestows lovely words upon me yet this morning it buoyed my sense of self.

I have been feeling old lately. Which is highly unusual for me. I seriously feel like I’m 19 most of the time, well, until the mirror slaps me in my 42 year old face or my rickety body parts play havoc with my agility. I honestly don’t need compliments, but I certainly like them. I mostly laugh them off, but I’m always grateful for them. And, this morning’s compliment was like verbal sunshine. I think it was a genuine compliment about my age (ie. MUCH younger than the birth certificate verifiable one).

Despite the compliment, I was always going to be ‘me’ and shine like the star I’m meant to be (oh, wait, that’s the sun….ummm), well I was always going to be ‘me’ but the enlightened ‘me’ that was going to dish out some of that wholesome warmth into others lives.

Image result for mark twain i can live compliment quote pinterest

So #fromwhereisit today I tried to find something to compliment every person I came across. In some situations I had to really concentrate on magnifying the good. Sometimes it was hard to find, but it’s always worth finding that to focus on. Of course, compliments may brighten someone else’s day, but really it’s the inherent illumination (you, you, you) that receives the most benefit.

What was the last compliment you received?

What was the last compliment you gave?
