
From Where I Sit Day 11 – Peer Pressure Can Be Good

May 12, 2018

#fromwhereisit the cold air sliced into my skin as I prepared to immerse myself in the ocean. Who, in their right mind swims when it’s around 12 degC out? I was really only sitting here because of peer pressure.

“I’ll go if you are” said the message from my regular swim buddy. We all know that’s really a passive persuasion. Well, at least my swim buddy knows how to manoveour my motivation…realising I’ll have to do it now!

I feel completely pressured into going for a swim, and I love it. There’s no indecision. There’s no doubt. There’s no second guessing. I’ve committed someone else’s time to swimming, so I’m now obligated. Cos’ that’s the kinda gal I am. I’m easily peer pressured into doing what’s right/good/ beneficial/ fun for me! I’m easily peer pressured into adventure. I also have a fear of missing out, so more often than not I’m an easy target or accomplice.

Yep, I’m a commitment seeker and if it takes a little peer pressure for me to click in the commitment seat belt than I’m happy for the drive that gives me.

I will admit that I sometimes curse myself for careening into to this positive peer pressure, especially when the snooze button seems like a much more safe option. But I rarely, if ever, regret committing to a training session with friends.

I know the traditional connotation of peer pressure is a serious matter, but if you remain true to yourself then it can certainly be used as super power!

What have you been peer pressured into that you absolutely loved?
